Project Overview

Northwest Fruit is an Organization in Mount Vernon, WA. This six-acre fruit garden is carried by volunteers who come together to share their knowledge, conserve rare and endangered plant species, and feed their passion for growing fruit. In partnership with Washington State University, they also conduct important ecological research not being conducted anywhere else in the country.

Project Goal

Our goal is to redesign the website by creating a clear and prominent membership, a dedicated section for events that is easy to navigate, and a searchable database of articles, videos, and other resources related to the organization and its mission. We also plan to create a member-only portal where members can access additional resources, networking opportunities, and other benefits.

The Problem

- NWF's website hasn't been updated for more than a decade.
- Members are asking for a member portal.
- Members want a clear place to see what events are coming up.
- They want a calendar to see the dates where events are happening.
- Members need help finding articles and videos to learn more and have training.

The Solution

To improve NWF's website, a clear and prominent membership option needs to be created, including information on benefits and instructions on how to join. A dedicated section for events, including past and upcoming events, must be added and made easy to navigate. Additionally, a member-only portal must be included to provide additional resources and networking opportunities.
And a searchable database of articles, videos, and other resources related to the organization and its mission should be created.
We are releasing the new features as we finalize them and gathering feedback from its user to make iterations. For the first step of the process, we started with the events section and the member-only portal dashboard.

Team Members

User Centered Design Process

User Persona

We synthesized common themes our current users had, and following these steps, we created our user persona, Carl. He required some crucial features on the website. A user that is lost in the current website, a user that desires to engage with the cause we have.

User Flows

With our user persona, Carl, I created an easy user flow where he can locate events with just a few clicks. We are working on more flows and screens to satisfy all the users' needs.

Sketches - Low Fidelity

In this project section, I was asked to start with a new members portal and the screens for the events. I researched the latest tendencies for cards, member portals, and events. I came up with some designs and presented them to the board. I was happy to come to the project and be able to design some screens from scratch.

Wire Frames

With those sketches, I then transferred them into interactive wireframes with Figma. As we don't have a web developer, I needed to make sure that my designs were easy to program without any code necessary as we are using Wix for our platform host; it has some limitations on what is possible with it. I wanted the board to have the experience to see how users would interact with it.

Member's Dashboard

Events Screens

After a couple of meetings and iterations of the screens and features, the mid-frames were approved! At this time, I started researching the colors and styles we wanted for the new version of the website. We were looking for something modern, something bold, something remarkable that our customers would enjoy.

Mood Board

Style Guide

Hi-Fidelity Screens

Sing Up / Login

I decided to give the members a new way to sign up and/or login into the new member's portal. On the current website, they have access to the email and password they created some time ago. But for the new members and some already existing that want easy access, I provided them with the social media they are already operating in their day-by-day lives to facilitate access to the platform.


I wanted the users to have a whole experience within the member's dashboard. The idea is for the user to know what is going on within the organization and their learning in just one place.


One of the main concerns of our users is the challenge of finding events happening in the organization. I created an easy flow of screens where users can look at the events happening and a new way of tracking the users attending for the business.

Final Screens

Next Steps

Let's work together

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